Masterclass in film music for silent film with the experimental group Cleaning Women

Sted Tvibit, Tromsø
Dato 19. jan. 2024, 10:00
Påmelding Registration

Insomnia, TIFF and Musikkontoret Nord have the pleasure to invite you to a masterclass in film music for silent film with the experimental group Cleaning Women.

The masterclass is open for all musicians who are curious about film music no matter what genre. Please confirm your attendance by filling out the registration.

«Welcome to this master class about making film music. The Finnish band Cleaning Women will talk to us about instruments, their experiences with film music, their music writing methods and their performing methods. They will also show us pictures and video examples.»

Cleaning Women is an experimental group consisting of three cleaning robots (CW01, CW03 and CW04). The origin of their acoustic sound can be traced to self-made and self-customized instruments, which are crafted from mangled household items. But what makes them really special is the way they sound. Even though the starting point is avant-gardish and experimental, the end result is jaw-dropping combination of skilled musicianship, original soundscapes and easily accessible, even danceable music – a combination of cinematic sci-fi western and sparkling trash can disco.

This workshop is presented as part of Insomnias talent program Cloud: EXIT, supported by Talent Norge and Sparebank1 Nord-Norge.

All attending this masterclass are also welcome to Friday's Silent Film Concert: Limite at Driv, starting 11:45